Graph Service Layer
Defines public APIs for Graph Service Layer (GSL)
Copyright (c) Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
maximum number of acdb files
maxumum lengh of filename
keep 3 bits for specifying the data mode
shared memory mode
heap memory mode blocking
heap memory mode non-blocking
push-pull mode
external memory mode 2 bits to control datapath set up
shift amount for datapath setup flags
use these flags when it is necessary to separate the allocation of memory buffers from sharing those buffers with DSP Example: opening graph with no GKV and push pull mode, the endpoint IID for the use case is not yet known, so cannot send shmem to DSP.
default does allocation of buffers and shared mem setup together buffers must be allocated first before shmem can be set up Client is responsible for calling these in the correct order, i.e. shmem must be allocated before provisioning SPFallocate buffers and set them up on SPF EP
allocate buffers, do not set up shmem on SPF endpoint
set up shmem on SPF endpoint only GSL ignores other params sent when this flag is used, since the datapath must be configured with ALLOC_SHMEM_ONLY before calling with this flag
for packet-based modes, this operation is a no-op
used to indicate a given buffer is the final buffer, client will get notified once the buffer has been rendered
true if buffer has a valid timestamp
used to indicate a buffer is the last in a frame
used to indicate a buffer is media format, when this flag is set, buffer will contain the media format data only
The source module_id for events originating from GSL and not from Spf
typedef void *gsl_handle_t
opaque handle that is returned to client
typedef void *gsl_acdb_handle_t
opaque acdb handle that is returned to client
typedef uint32_t (*gsl_global_cb_func_ptr)(enum gsl_global_event_ids event_id, void *event_payload, size_t event_payload_sz, void *client_data)
callback used to notify global events to client.
Global events are events that are not bound to a specific gsl graph handle.
- Param event_id:
[in] indicates the global event id
- Param event_payload:
[in] event id specific payload
- Param event_payload_sz:
[in] size of the event id specific payload
- Param client_data:
[in] opaque client data
typedef void (*gsl_cb_func_ptr)(struct gsl_event_cb_params *event_params, void *client_data)
Callback function signature for events to client.
- Param event_params:
[in] holds all event related info
- Param client_data:
[in] client data that was provided during cb registration
enum gsl_cmd_id
Commands that can be passed to gsl_ioctl
enumerator GSL_CMD_START
Start a graph
enumerator GSL_CMD_PREPARE
Optional, can be called before GSL_CMD_START to start initializing modules in the DSP
enumerator GSL_CMD_FLUSH
Flush a graph, causes graph to drop all unprocessed buffers
enumerator GSL_CMD_STOP
Stop graph, stop processing data and reset to initial state Optional Payload: struct gsl_cmd_properties GRAPH_STOP is issued only to those subgraphs with matching property_ID and property_values
enumerator GSL_CMD_ADD_GRAPH
Add a new graph to an existing graph based on a new graph key vector. Payload: struct gsl_cmd_graph_select
Remove existing graph based on a graph key vector Payload: struct gsl_cmd_remove_graph
Modify existing graph based on a new graph key vector Payload: struct gsl_cmd_graph_select
Get the path delay associated with a graph
Configure parameters used for write data exchange Payload: struct gsl_cmd_configure_read_write_params
Configure parameters used for read data exchange Payload: struct gsl_cmd_configure_read_write_params
enumerator GSL_CMD_EOS
Insert EOS marker in playback data stream, the EOS marker is inserted in the stream immediately after all the data successfully written to GSL. Once all the buffers before the EOS marker are played out, GSL generates an EOS event to client. Note: If a gsl_write operation is pending when this command is issued the buffer passed in the pending gsl_write is not gauranteed to be played out.
Get buffer pointers and sizes for use in shared memory mode write operations Payload: struct gsl_cmd_get_shmem_buf_info will be sent from client and will get written to by GSL.
Get buffer pointers and sizes for use in shared memory mode read operations Payload: struct gsl_cmd_get_shmem_buf_info will be sent from client and will get written to by GSL.
Get pointer and size of position buffer used to synchronize writes in push/pull mode Payload: struct gsl_cmd_get_shmem_buf_info will be sent from client and will get written to by GSL.
Get pointer and size of position buffer used to synchronize reads in push/pull mode Payload: struct gsl_cmd_get_shmem_buf_info will be sent from client and will get written to by GSL.
Register a custom event with a spf module Payload: struct gsl_cmd_register_custom_event
Free all read buffers for a graph
Free all write buffers for a graph
enumerator GSL_CMD_SUSPEND
Suspend graph, stop processing data but does not reset to initial state If a subgraph is shared with multiple graphs then :-
The common subgraph remains in START if at least one graph is in START.
If none of the of graph is in START and one of the graph is in STOP then common subgraph goes to STOP state.
Common subgraph goes to SUSPEND state only when all the graphs issue SUSPEND.
Close subset of subgraphs in the graph based on properties Payload: struct gsl_cmd_properties GRAPH_STOP is issued only to those subgraphs with matching property_ID and property_values
enumerator GSL_CMD_MAX
enumerator GSL_CMD_START
enum gsl_event_id
Events that will be notified to client from GSL
enumerator GSL_EVENT_ID_EOS
End of stream event, indicates that all data written to GSL prior to client calling GSL_CMD_EOS has been played out Payload: struct gsl_event_eos_payload
Indicates buffer provided as part of read call has been filled Payload: struct gsl_event_read_write_done_payload
Indicates buffer provided as part of write has been consumed Payload: struct gsl_event_read_write_done_payload
Sent in non-blocking mode only, indicates that buffer has become available for client to write to
enumerator GSL_EVENT_ID_MAX
enumerator GSL_EVENT_ID_EOS
enum gsl_global_event_ids
Global events that can be raised through the global callback
Indicates that an audio service is up, this can happen for example due to restart after SSR. payload: NULL
Indicates that an audio service is down, this can happen for example due to SSR. payload: struct gsl_global_event_svc_dn_payload
void gsl_get_version(uint32_t *major, uint32_t *minor)
Returns the GSL version.
- Parameters:
major – [out] the major version is incremented whenever the current version is NOT backwards compatible with previous version
minor – [out] the minor version is incremented whenever the current version has additional features to the previous version but is backwards compatible with it
int32_t gsl_init(struct gsl_init_data *init_data)
Initialize GSL, must be called before any other GSL calls.
- Parameters:
init_data – [in] data used during initialization
void gsl_deinit(void)
De-initialize GSL, no GSL APIs should be called after this
int32_t gsl_register_global_event_cb(gsl_global_cb_func_ptr global_cb, void *client_data)
Register a global callback function for GSL.
- Parameters:
global_cb – [in] callback function pointer used to notify global events such as SSR
client_data – [in] opaque client data that will be passed back to client whenever the callback is invoked
int32_t gsl_open(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, const struct gsl_key_vector *cal_key_vect, gsl_handle_t *graph_handle)
Load a graph that is specified using graph_key_vector to the DSP. Does not reload graphs which are already loaded.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] used to identify the graph.
cal_key_vect – [in] OPTIONAL used to identify calibration data to be sent to the graph, setting to NULL means dont send any calibration
graph_handle – [out] graph handle on success, null otherwise
- Returns:
GSL_EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_close(gsl_handle_t graph_handle)
Close a graph that was specified using the graph_handle.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] Handle of the graph to close
- Returns:
GSL_EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_cal(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, const struct gsl_key_vector *cal_key_vect)
Push calibration data for a given graph to DSP, Must be called before a graph is started. This API need not be called in the case of GSL_CMD_CHANGE_GRAPH as the calibration will be set during the graph change operation itself.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
graph_key_vect – [in] OPTIONAL identifies the portion of the graph to which this calibration needs to be applied to. For SSMD scenarios, graph_handle can contain more than one graph key vector. In such cases, clients can provide specific graph key vector to which this calibration needs to be set. The graph_key_vector input should match to one of the GKVs that the graph_handle has. If this parameter is NULL, then GSL sets the prior_ckv to the one that was given during gsl_open().
cal_key_vect – [in] used to identify the cal data.
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_config(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, uint32_t tag, const struct gsl_key_vector *tag_key_vect)
Set a configuration payload on a specified graph, the payload is stored in acdb.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
graph_key_vect – [in] OPTIONAL identifies the portion of the graph to which this config needs to be applied. For SSMD scenarios, graph_handle can contain more than one graph key vector. In such cases, clients can provide specific graph key vector to which this calibration needs to be set. The graph_key_vector input should match to one of the GKVs that the graph_handle has.
tag – [in] identifies a capability in acdb
tag_key_vect – [in] identifies a payload in the database
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_custom_config(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, const uint8_t *payload, const uint32_t payload_size)
Set a custom configuration parameter on a specified graph, the payload is provided from the caller.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
payload – [in] custom caller defined payload that will get sent to the module, payload structure shall be always according to OOB sturcutre format defined by SPF
payload_size – [in] the size of the payload buffer
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_tagged_custom_config(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t *payload, const size_t payload_size)
Set a custom configuration parameter on a specified graph, the payload is provided from the caller. Caller also provides tag ID so gsl can look up ACDB for the module IID to which this payload needs to be sent to.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
tag – [in] identifies a module instance matching the tag ID
payload – [in] custom caller defined payload that gets sent to the module, payload structure shall be always according to format defined by SPF {MIID, PID, Size, Error Code, Variable payload}
payload_size – [in] the size of the payload buffer
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_tagged_custom_config_persist(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t *payload, const uint32_t payload_size)
Persistent set a custom configuration parameter on a specified graph, the payload is provided from the caller. Caller also provides tag ID so gsl can look up ACDB for the module IID to which this payload needs to be sent to. LIMITATION: The payload can contain only a single PID that is destined to a single MID.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
tag – [in] identifies a module instance matching the tag ID
payload – [in] custom caller defined payload that gets sent to the module, payload structure shall be always according to format defined by SPF {MIID, PID, Size, Error Code, Variable payload}
payload_size – [in] the size of the payload buffer
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_custom_config(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t size)
Get the configuration parameter for a specified graph, caller provides a payload.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] returned from gsl_open
payload – [inout] Buffer that contains the module ids and param ids along with empty areas that will be filled with parameter data
size – [inout] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload. On return will hold actual bytes written.
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise. Note that EOK does not mean we got valid data, it is possible that the buffer did not contain enough space for a given parameter. The client should check the error codes inside the buffer before reading the data.
int32_t gsl_get_tagged_custom_config(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint32_t tag, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t *size)
Get the configuration parameter for a specified graph from the module that is specified by a tag, caller provides a payload with the PIDs populated. GSL will populate the MIDS into the payload. LIMITATION: Only a single parameter on a single module can be looked up at a time.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] returned from gsl_open
tag – [in] tag used by GSL to lookup the MIDs
payload – [inout] Buffer that contains param ids along with empty areas that will be filled with parameter data
size – [inout] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload. On return will hold actual bytes written.
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise. Note that EOK does not mean we got valid data, it is possible that the buffer did not contain enough space for a given parameter. The client should check the error codes inside the buffer before reading the data.
int32_t gsl_ioctl(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, enum gsl_cmd_id cmd_id, void *cmd_payload, size_t cmd_payload_sz)
Send commands to GSL for controlling Graphs in Spf.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
cmd_id – [in] identifies the command
cmd_payload – [inout] command specific parameters
cmd_payload_sz – [in] size of cmd_payload
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_read(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint32_t tag, struct gsl_buff *buff, uint32_t *filled_size)
Receive data buffers from Spf.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
tag – [in] used to identify the module in Spf to read buffers from
buff – [inout] buffer where data will be copied to
filled_size – [out] actual number of bytes filled into the buffer by GSL
- Returns:
EOK on success, AR_EABORTED when buffer is not queued to spf because of graph close, stop, or flush (non-fatal error), error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_write(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, uint32_t tag, struct gsl_buff *buff, uint32_t *consumed_size)
Write data buffers to Spf.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
tag – [in] used to identify the module in Spf to write buffers to
buff – [in] buffer containing data that will be written
consumed_size – [out] actual number of bytes consumed by GSL
- Returns:
EOK on success, AR_EABORTED when buffer is not queued to spf because of graph close, stop, or flush (non-fatal error), error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_register_event_cb(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, gsl_cb_func_ptr cb, void *client_data)
Register an event callback function with Spf.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle returned from gsl_open
cb – [in] pointer to callback function
client_data – [in] opaque data that will be passed to client in the callback
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_tagged_data(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, uint32_t tag, struct gsl_key_vector *tag_key_vect, uint8_t *payload, size_t *payload_size)
Query database for data associated with a given tag and tkv. This API is used to get spf module data in the form {IID, PID, Size, ErrorCode, variable length payload}.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
tag – [in] used to identify a certain capability
tag_key_vect – [in] tag key vector used to identify a specific payload in acdb
payload – [inout] pointer to a buffer where the payload will be copied to
payload_size – [inout] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload and on return will hold the size of the actual data written to the buffer.
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise. In-case the provided payload_size is not big enough to hold output data the error code AR_ENEEDMORE will be returned and payload_size will be set to expected size.
int32_t gsl_get_tagged_module_info(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, uint32_t tag, struct gsl_module_id_info **module_info, uint32_t *module_info_size)
Query database for module_iid to module_id mapping data.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
tag – [in] identifies a set of modules in ACDB that were tagged with with this tag by system designer
module_info – [out] module info will be copied here. GSL dynamically allocates memory to hold module_info for the num_modules matching the tag. Client is responsible to free the memory after use.
module_info_size – [out] holds the size of the data written to the module_info buffer
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise.
int32_t gsl_get_tags_with_module_info(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, void *tag_module_info, size_t *tag_module_info_size)
Query database for all tags and corresponding module_iid and module_id mapping given a graph key vector.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
tag_module_info – [inout] tag module info will be copied here. GSL clients would call this API twice, first call tag_module_info is set to NULL and GSL fills only the size - *tag_module_info_size. GSL clients then allocate memory set it to tag_module_info and call the API again for the second time and the tag module info gets copied into that memory. The payload is in the format “struct gsl_tag_module_info”
tag_module_info_size – [inout] used to provide the size (in bytes) of tag_module_info from client and output the expected size from gsl in-case size passed from client was too small
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise.
int32_t gsl_enable_acdb_persistence(uint8_t enable_flag)
enable persistence for cals set to ACDB
- Parameters:
enable_flag – [in] 1 means enable, 0 is disable
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_cal_data_to_acdb(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, const struct gsl_key_vector *cal_key_vect, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_size)
Store custom calibration to ACDB.
see ACDB_CMD_SET_CAL_DATA in acdb.h for more documentation
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
cal_key_vect – [in] tag key vector used to identify an entry in acdb
payload – [in] pointer to a buffer containing custom calibration
payload_size – [in] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_cal_data_from_acdb(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, const struct gsl_key_vector *cal_key_vect, uint32_t num_modules, uint8_t *param_list, void *payload, uint32_t *payload_size)
Retrieve custom calibration from ACDB.
see ACDB_CMD_GET_CAL_DATA in acdb.h for more documentation
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
cal_key_vect – [in] tag key vector used to identify an entry in acdb
num_modules – [in] The number of module instances in the param_list
param_list – [in] List of module instances plus their parameters to get data for
payload – [out] pointer to a buffer of returned payload_size to hold returned calibration
payload_size – [inout] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload. Client will call this API twice, once to fill this payload size and the second time to fill payload, with memory of returned payload_size allocated for payload
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_tag_data_to_acdb(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, uint32_t tag_id, const struct gsl_key_vector *tag_key_vect, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_size)
Store custom tag to ACDB.
see ACDB_CMD_SET_TAG_DATA in acdb.h for more documentation
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
tag_id – [in] tag ID to be set
tag_key_vect – [in] tag key vector used to identify an entry in acdb
payload – [in] pointer to a buffer containing custom tag data
payload_size – [in] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_tag_data_from_acdb(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, uint32_t tag_id, const struct gsl_key_vector *tag_key_vect, uint32_t num_modules, uint8_t *param_list, void *payload, uint32_t *payload_size)
Retrieve custom tag from ACDB.
see ACDB_CMD_GET_TAG_DATA in acdb.h for more documentation
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] graph key vector
tag_id – [in] tag ID for data to retrieve
tag_key_vect – [in] tag key vector used to identify an entry in acdb
num_modules – [in] The number of module instances in the param_list
param_list – [in] List of module instances plus their parameters to get data for
payload – [out] pointer to a buffer of returned payload_size to hold returned tag data
payload_size – [inout] holds the size of the client buffer passed in for payload. Client will call this API twice, once to fill this payload size and the second time to fill payload, with memory of returned payload_size allocated for payload
- Returns:
EOK on success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_set_temp_path_to_acdb(uint32_t path_length, const char *temp_path)
Updates the read/write temporary path that AML uses for the reinit/delta persistence functionality.
- Parameters:
cmd_id – [in] Command ID is ACDB_CMD_SET_TEMP_PATH.
cmd – [in] a null terminated char array of under 255 chars
- Returns:
- AR_EOK — Command executed successfully.
AR_EBADPARAM — Invalid input parameters were provided.
AR_EFAILED — Command execution failed.
int32_t gsl_get_processed_buff_cnt(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, enum gsl_data_dir dir, uint32_t *cnt)
Get an ever increasing count of data buffers processed by GSL.
For playback case returns the number of buffers acked by Spf. For capture case returns the number of buffers received from Spf.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle
dir – [in] indicates whether to return the write or read buffer counts
cnt – [out] An ever increasing count of buffers, the number wraps back to zero once it reaches SIZE_MAX
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_avail_buffer_size(gsl_handle_t graph_handle, enum gsl_data_dir dir, uint32_t *bytes)
Get the size of available buffer (in bytes) ready to be written (playback) / read (capture)
For playback case, returns the size of empty buffer (in bytes) for GSL clients to write. For capture case, returns the size of buffer (in bytes) that GSL clients can queue to SPF for read.
- Parameters:
graph_handle – [in] graph handle
dir – [in] indicates whether to return write or read available buffer size
bytes – [out] buffer size (in bytes) ready to be written (playback) / read (capture)
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise.
int32_t gsl_get_driver_data(const uint32_t module_id, const struct gsl_key_vector *key_vect, void *data_payload, uint32_t *data_payload_size)
Get driver data.
This API is to be called by GSL clients for querying any driver specific data that they stored in ACDB
- Parameters:
module_id – [in] client defined module_id against which data is stored in acdb
key_vect – [in] OPTIONAL key vector used to look up data
data_payload – [in] buffer where data will be returned, client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If this is set to NULL the size of the output data will be returned in data_payload_size
data_payload_size – [inout] on input it containes the size of data_payload, on output will have the size actually written
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_graph_tkvs(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, struct gsl_tag_key_vector_list *data_payload)
Get all tag/TKV variations.
Retrieves all tag and tag key vector variations which are defined for a given graph key vector in ACDB
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] GKV to find tag & TKV pairs in ACDB for
data_payload – [inout] buffer where data will be returned, client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If data_payload->key_vector_list is set to NULL, the size of the output data will be returned in data_payload->list_size.
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_graph_ckvs(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, struct gsl_key_vector_list *data_payload)
Get all CKVs for given GKV.
Queries for all SPF module calibration key vectors under a given graph key vector.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] GKV to find CKVs in ACDB for
data_payload – [inout] buffer where data will be returned, client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If data_payload->key_vector_list is set to NULL, the size of the output data will be returned in data_payload->list_size.
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_driver_module_kvs(uint32_t driver_id, struct gsl_key_vector_list *data_payload)
Get KVs used by driver module.
Queries ACDB for all driver key vectors used by a particular driver module
- Parameters:
driver_id – [in] uint32_t identifying the driver module
data_payload – [inout] buffer where data will be returned, client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If data_payload->key_vector_list is set to NULL, the size of the output data will be returned in data_payload->list_size.
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_supported_gkvs(uint32_t *key_ids, const uint32_t num_key_ids, struct gsl_key_vector_list *data_payload)
Get all GKVs that contain the provided key IDs as a subset.
Queries ACDB for all graph key vectors that contain the provided key ids as a subset. A graph key vector supports certain capabiliies if it matches the key id subset. If the subset contains zero keys, this api will return all the graph key vectors defined in ACDB.
- Parameters:
key_ids – [in] pointer to the set of key IDs to query. Client-managed
num_key_ids – [in] number of entries in key_ids
data_payload – [inout] buffer where data will be returned, client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If data_payload->key_vector_list is set to NULL, the size of the output data will be returned in data_payload->list_size.
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_get_graph_alias(const struct gsl_key_vector *graph_key_vect, char *alias, uint32_t *alias_len)
get human-readable alias for a GKV
Retrieves an alias of the graph key vector for readability. The alias includes the the usecase ID followed by a human readable graph key vector with names for keys and values. The string length is limited to 255 bytes.
API is to be called twice: once to get the size, and once to get the string.
- Parameters:
graph_key_vect – [in] GKV to find alias for
alias – [inout] string containing the alias. Client is responsible to allocate memory for this buffer. If this is set to NULL the size of the output data will be returned in alias_len.
alias_len – [inout] The length of the string including the null terminating character. on input it containes the allocated size of alias, on output will have the size actually written
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
int32_t gsl_add_database(struct gsl_acdb_data_files *acdb_data_files, struct gsl_acdb_file *writable_file_path, gsl_acdb_handle_t *acdb_handle)
add acdb database
Extends the database by adding database files (*.acdb and *.qwsp) at runtime.
- Parameters:
acdb_data_files – [in] A list of database file paths containing *.acdb and *.qwsp
writable_file_path – [in] The delta data file path and temp files
- Param :
int32_t gsl_remove_database(gsl_acdb_handle_t acdb_handle)
remove acdb database
Shrinks the database by removing all data associated with the given database handle at runtime. This includes database files (*.qwsp and .acdb) and heap data
- Parameters:
acdb_handle – [in] A handle to the database to remove
- Returns:
AR_EOK in success, error code otherwise
struct gsl_key_value_pair
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a single entry in a key vector
struct gsl_key_vector
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a complete key vector
Public Members
uint32_t num_kvps
number of key value pairs
struct gsl_key_value_pair *kvp
vector of key value pairs
uint32_t num_kvps
struct gsl_key_vector_array
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a key vector with a zero sized array.
Public Members
uint32_t num_keys
number of keys
struct gsl_key_value_pair kvp[]
array of key value pairs.
uint32_t num_keys
struct gsl_key_vector_list
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a key vector list
Public Members
uint32_t num_key_vectors
< number of key vectors in the key vector list size of the key vector list in bytes
uint32_t list_size
list of key vectors in the format of [#keys, kvPair+,…, #keys, kvPair+]
struct gsl_key_vector_array *key_vector_list
uint32_t num_key_vectors
struct gsl_tag_key_vector
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a tag key vector with a zero sized array
Public Members
uint32_t tag_id
< the module tag identifier number of keys
uint32_t num_keys
graph key value pair
struct gsl_key_value_pair kvp[]
uint32_t tag_id
struct gsl_tag_key_vector_list
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
a tag key vector list
Public Members
uint32_t num_key_vectors
< number of key vectors in the key vector list size of the key vector list in bytes
uint32_t list_size
list of key vectors in the format of [#keys, kvPair+,…, #keys, kvPair+]
struct gsl_tag_key_vector *key_vector_list
uint32_t num_key_vectors
struct gsl_cmd_properties
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Command payload for GSL_CMD_STOP ioctl. Properties used to match portions of the graph on which the command will be applied. This structure is used to match against the properties defined in gsl_subgraph_driver_props.h
Public Members
struct gsl_key_vector gkv
graph key vector to limit the scope of the operation
uint32_t property_id
property ID of the subgraph(s)
uint32_t num_property_values
number of values for the subgraph property ID
uint32_t *property_values
Pointer to property values[num_property_values]. If subgraph’s property value matches to any of the values in this set, the command will be carried out on that subgraph
struct gsl_key_vector gkv
struct gsl_cmd_configure_read_write_params
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Public Members
uint32_t buff_size
max number of bytes in a single buffer. Read/Write operations shall take buffers such that the size is a multiple of buff_size.
uint32_t num_buffs
number of buffers GSL will use for data exchange
uint32_t start_threshold
In case of write, wait till number of bytes received from client goes ABOVE this value before issuing START to SPF In case of read, wait till client has read this many bytes before issuing START to SPF Set to 0 for immediate start
uint32_t stop_threshold
TBD, currently not supported
uint32_t attributes
Bitfield used to indicate attributes for data transfers, below are the defined fields: data_mode(Bits 0,1,2): One of GSL_DATA_MODE_SHMEM, GSL_DATA_MODE_BLOCKING, GSL_DATA_MODE_NON_BLOCKING, GSL_DATA_MODE_PUSH_PULL, GSL_DATA_MODE_EXTERN_MEM datapath_setup(Bits 3,4): one of GSL_DATAPATH_SETUP_DEFAULT, GSL_DATAPATH_SETUP_ALLOC_SHMEM_ONLY, GSL_DATAPATH_SETUP_SPF_PROVISION_ONLY
uint32_t shmem_ep_tag
Optional tag used to queue read buffers before first gsl_graph_read When set to 0, buffers are not queued until first gsl_graph_read call
uint32_t platform_info
Optional field for passing platform specific data to GSL, this can be used for example to communicate some heap properties to osal layer. Must be set to 0 for clients that dont have any specific platform data.
uint32_t max_metadata_size
uint32_t buff_size
struct gsl_cmd_graph_select
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Public Members
struct gsl_key_vector graph_key_vector
Used to lookup the new graph. In the case of GSL_CMD_CHANGE_GRAPH the old graph will be torn down and the new graph will be setup. In the case of GSL_CMD_ADD_GRAPH the new graph is setup without tearing down the old graph
struct gsl_key_vector cal_key_vect
Used to lookup the calibration data that will be set on the new graph
struct gsl_key_vector graph_key_vector
struct gsl_cmd_remove_graph
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Cmd payload for GSL_CMD_REMOVE_GRAPH
Public Members
struct gsl_key_vector graph_key_vector
Used to lookup the graph that will be removed
struct gsl_key_vector graph_key_vector
struct gsl_shmem_buf
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Cmd payload for GSL_CMD_GET_WRITE_BUFF_INFO and GSL_CMD_GET_READ_BUFF_INFO. GSL writes to the payload created by the caller. Caller is responsible to provide the appropriate amount of memory to hold addresses for all buffers.
struct gsl_cmd_get_shmem_buf_info
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Public Members
uint32_t size
buffer size, all buffers have the same size
uint32_t num_buffs
number of buffers
struct gsl_shmem_buf *buffs
list of buffs, containts num_buffs entries
uint32_t size
struct gsl_cmd_register_custom_event
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Public Members
uint32_t module_instance_id
Valid instance ID of module
uint32_t event_id
Valid event ID of the module
uint32_t event_config_payload_size
Size of the event config data based upon the module_instance_id/event_id combination.
0 bytes, in multiples of 4 bytes atleast
uint32_t is_register
1 - to register the event 0 - to de-register the event
uint8_t event_config_payload[]
module specifc event registration payload
uint32_t module_instance_id
struct gsl_acdb_file
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Holds the path of single acdb file, this struct should be bitwise matching against what ACDB APIs expect
struct gsl_acdb_data_files
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Holds list of ACDB files, this struct should be bitwise matching against what ACDB APIs expect
Public Members
uint32_t num_files
Number of ACDB files
struct gsl_acdb_file acdbFiles[GSL_MAX_NUM_OF_ACDB_FILES]
Array of ACDB file full paths
uint32_t num_files
struct gsl_init_data
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Argument for gsl_init
Public Members
struct gsl_acdb_data_files *acdb_files
acdb files to pass to acdb, setting this NULL means acdb_addr will be used to acces the data
struct gsl_acdb_file *acdb_delta_file
path of acdb delta file
const void *acdb_addr
acdb image address
uint32_t max_num_ready_checks
indicates number of times GSL should check that spf is ready, gsl_init call is blocked until spf is ready. Spf readiness check is skipped in-case this field is set to 0
uint32_t ready_check_interval_ms
Amount of time in ms that GSL waits before re-attempting to check Spf readiness
struct gsl_acdb_data_files *acdb_files
struct gsl_extern_alloc_buff_info
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
struct gsl_buff
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Struct for passing buffer info to gsl_read and gsl_write, also used as a return payload for GSL_EVENT_ID_READ_DONE and GSL_EVENT_ID_WRITE_DONE
Public Members
uint64_t timestamp
timestamp in micro-secs
uint32_t flags
bitmasked flags for e.g. GSL_BUFF_FLAG_EOS
uint32_t size
size of buffer in bytes
uint8_t *addr
data buffer. Not used in extern mem mode
uint32_t metadata_size
size of metadata buffer in bytes
uint8_t *metadata
metadata buffer. Can contain multiple metadata
struct gsl_extern_alloc_buff_info alloc_info
extern mem mode info
uint64_t timestamp
struct gsl_module_id_info_entry
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Maps the modules instance id to module id for a single module
struct gsl_module_id_info
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Used to return the module info data to client
Public Members
uint32_t num_modules
number entries in module list below
struct gsl_module_id_info_entry module_entry[]
module list
uint32_t num_modules
struct gsl_tag_module_info_entry
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Structure mapping the tag_id to module info (mid and miid)
Public Members
uint32_t tag_id
tag id of the module
uint32_t num_modules
number of modules matching the tag_id
struct gsl_module_id_info_entry module_entry[]
module list
uint32_t tag_id
struct gsl_tag_module_info
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Used to return tags and module info data to client given a graph key vector
Public Members
uint32_t num_tags
number of tags
uint8_t tag_module_entry[]
variable payload of type struct gsl_tag_module_info_entry
uint32_t num_tags
struct gsl_event_read_write_done_payload
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Event payload passed to client with GSL_EVENT_ID_READ_DONE and GSL_EVENT_ID_WRITE_DONE events
struct gsl_event_eos_payload
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Event payload passed to client with GSL_EVENT_ID_EOS
Public Members
uint32_t module_instance_id
module instance id from which the EOS event was raised, Invalid (0) when dropped.
enum gsl_eos_render_status_t render_status
Indicates whether the final sample was rendered or dropped
uint32_t module_instance_id
struct gsl_global_event_svc_dn_payload
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
Event payload passed to client with GSL_GLOBAL_EVENT_AUDIO_SVC_DN
Public Members
uint32_t num_handles
Number of graph handles
gsl_handle_t *handle_list
List of graph handles impacted by the audio svc going down, client is responsible to close these and re-open them once it receives the audio svc up notification
uint32_t num_handles
struct gsl_event_cb_params
- #include <gsl_intf.h>
data that will be passed to client in the event callback
Public Members
uint32_t source_module_id
identifies the module which generated event
uint32_t event_id
identifies the event, in case of GSL internal events it will hold a value from enum gsl_event_id
uint32_t event_payload_size
size of payload below
void *event_payload
payload associated with the event if any
uint32_t source_module_id